Liberation & healing from technological trappings & spy culture…
When we look at what makes up our life’s in this day & age many interesting observations can be made. Even more so if you have been around long enough to have known a very different way of life, and some what worrying if this day & age is the age that has shaped you & all that you know.
When we look at life & the affects of technology on our self’s it’s getting harder to have any separation from it all & just be…
Many things are now projected onto us with very manipulative marketing ploys & huge portions of society allow them selfs to become puppets of their making….
Identity…what is identity?
Humans…are we to be humaine? Are we to hand over our souls for technological shaping?
If we are made in the image of the ‘Father’ then are we not more amazing & powerful than technology itself?
Spy culture is now a very real problem in these times & not just only from technology it self but from every day folk whose hands technology has trickled down into.
Not only is every aspect of our lives becoming recorded & monitored but people are now turning against each other spying on friends & neighbours, miss trust & paranoia in society increases, communication slowly disappears, trust erodes, compassion for one another becomes a a distant tale on the past & life in a bubble becomes the norm! The commandment of ‘love thy neighbour’ has now been re written to ‘spy on thy neighbour’!
…What have we become?
But if we learn to breathe again and disconnect we can reclaim & rebuild a society in line with our true nature…
Identity…what is identity?
By Edgar James
Brought to you in the mode of change….